Sugar at Chelsea Bay


Awarded by Robyn Churchill
Our cake tin was always full as my darling mother would always have something delicious made from her trusted Edmonds cook book. My stay at home mum was just like many other mothers at that time was either baking, cooking delicious meals, washing, cleaning or gardening to keep her family tummies full of goodness. Chocolate or raspberry lamington was and always will be my favourite. Dipping the sponge in either rich chocolate or the sweet smell of raspberry jelly then rolling them into the coconut. Allowing them to dry was the hardest part while you waited for the cream to be whipped to perfection. Oh must not forget the dob of homemade jam. With satisfied tummies I take off and enjoy the fun of playing with my friends at the local beach. Classic Chelsea Sugar Factory is one of Auckland's iconic brands and a must to always sit on the left side so you get the best view as you come over the Harbour Bridge. Walking down Colonial Road pass the old beautiful cottages to Sugar at Chelsea Bay over looking the stunning harbour is the best place to visit especially with overseas friends so they can discover the best lamingtons sitting so proudly just waiting to be picked to enjoy with a fresh coffee and makes you proud to call yourself a Kiwi.
Sugar at Chelsea Bay - Strawberry Lamington