Nanam Takapuna

Organic Roasted Tamarind Chicken sinigang with watercress puree and salsa

Awarded by AG Fernando
Nanam has always been unafraid to make new and exciting variations on classic Filipino dishes. Their Roast Chicken "Sinigang" has been on their menu ever since they first opened and it's one of my favourite dishes to get here. Traditionally, Sinigang is a sour soup made with a variety of meats and veggies. Nanam, however, has ingeniously converted that intense sour flavour into an amazing Tamarind dry rub that coats the roast chicken. It's then paired with a tomato salsa, and green watercress puree to fully round out the modern sinigang experience. Considering traditional sinigang is my favourite dish and that I like it in a very particular way, the fact that this dish was able to win me over with this brilliant twist on tradition is a testament to how well executed this dish is.