Little & Kitchen

Korean Fried Chicken

Awarded by Hannah Kronast
As the central east Auckland suburb Glen Innes undergoes gentrification, a new generation of people are learning about Little & Kitchen, one of many hidden gems tucked around the unassuming town centre. Businesspeople getting off the 6pm Friday train squat on plastic chairs opposite locals who have lived there for generations and surrounded by homeless wanderers waiting on WINZ. While the generous $2 fish and chippy down Fenchurch owned by a whanau of Chinese immigrants has made way for another chain burger joint charging $8 for less, Little & Kitchen maintains its dominance. It continues to draw in new and old customers with its sweet soy and spicy that puts shame to competitors - which seem to be popping up in the city left right like the (OG?) KFC. No frills just all flavour, Little & Kitchen's Korean Fried Chicken hits a spot that feels lonely as Glen Innes becomes a place I don't recognise whenever I visit any more.